getting in.
1989, 3min

Texts | Images | Video

Starting with the deceptively soothing pastel hues of a sunny afternoon in San Francisco, getting in stages a collision between two rarely questioned phenomenon, heterosexual sex and real estate.

written, directed, edited: Shelly Silver
s8 film to video transfer: Brodsky & Treadway

selected screenings
The London Film Festival, England; The American Center, Paris, France; Centre de Cultura, Barcelona, Spain; Image Forum Festival, Tokyo, Japan; Order Of Facts, Achim Kubinsky Gallery, Stuttgart, Germany; The World Wide Video Festival, The Hague, The Netherlands; The American Film Institute Video Festival, Los Angeles, CA; Pacific Film Archives, Berkeley, CA; Cologne Kunstverein, Germany; MedienOperative Festival, Berlin, Germany; Muu Media Festival, Helsinki, Finland; Flesh Histories, The Kitchen, NY; WK Gallery, Hannover, Germany; If Buildings Could Talk, Pacific Film Archives, San Francisco, CA; Erotological TV, Simon Watson Gallery, NY.

selected broadcasts
El Arte del Video, Atanor Television, Spain
PARK 4DTV, The Netherlands